LIPPERT STACHOW is a mixed partnership of patent attorneys and attorneys at law. We are active exclusively in the field of intellectual property. Building on a history of more than 150 years, we combine tradition with progressiveness.
Pursuing our own goals, acting with foresight and never losing sight of our "fellow players". The old Asian tactical game "Gomoku" stands for this philosophy. And this is exactly what our leitmotif symbolizes.
With the principle "Strategies for Innovation" we stand up in our daily practice for the optimal protection and defence of our clients' creativity.
In our daily practice we follow essential principles: We see ourselves as a focused, flexible, cooperative and globally operating legal partnership.
f o c u s s e d:
We offer the quality assurance of a team of lawyers, combined with focussed intellectual property consulting services, providing clients with the cumulative knowhow of a range of experts.
f l e x i b l e:
Naturally, legal boundaries never remain static. In solving problems, where necessary, we utilize adjacent branches of the law that may be able to impact on specific cases of intellectual property law. We cooperate with highly specialized external legal and business consultants with whom we have longstablished relationships.
c o o p e r a t i v e:
We are a team of experts that cover the widest range of scientific, technical and legal disciplines. This enables us to deal with even the most complex challenges in an appropriate and economically expedient manner. Each of our clients is assigned a permanent personal contact partner who coordinates the client's objectives, drawing on the appropriate expertise of the entire team.
g l o b a l:
Since the creative ideas of our clients are seldom confined within national boundaries, advising in the area of intellectual property also always means advising in an international context. When it comes to representing our client's legal protection matters outside Germany, we can call on our extensive network of contacts worldwide.