Studied chemistry at the Technical University of Dresden, graduating with a degree in chemistry
Doctorate at the Technical University of Dresden in the field of polymer chemistry
Postdoctoral stay at the Centre for BioNano Interactions, University College Dublin
Worked for several years as a research assistant at the Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden e.V. in the fields of fiber composites and nanostructured materials
Patent attorney training at LIPPERT STACHOW, followed by several years working for a national patent law firm
Patent attorney, European Patent Attorney, European Patent Litigator and European Trademark Attorney
With LIPPERT STACHOW from 2012 to 2015 and since 2024.
Technical focus
Materials, in particular composites and high-temperature alloys; coating technology; optics; medical technology; automotive technology; computer-implemented inventions
Sächsischer Patentanwaltsverein e. V. (member of the board); Bundesverband Deutscher Patentanwälte e. V.; member of the examination board of the European Qualifying Examination (EQE) Part C (2021-2024)